Legal notice

General conditions of use of the portal

Med30 informs you that access to and use of the website and all subdomains and directories included therein (hereinafter jointly referred to as the Portal) are subject to the terms detailed in this Legal Notice. Without prejudice to the fact that access to any of these services or content may require acceptance of additional General Conditions. Med30 reserves the right to make changes to the Portal without prior notice, in order to update, correct, modify, add or delete content or design. Since information is not updated immediately, we suggest that you always check the validity and accuracy of the information, services and content presented. Likewise, the conditions and terms included in this Notice may vary, so we invite you to review these terms when you visit the Portal again.

Intellectual property and industrial property rights

The design of the Portal and its source codes, as well as the logos, brands and other distinctive signs that appear therein, belong to Med30 or collaborating entities and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights. The information available on the Portal, unless otherwise expressly indicated, is susceptible to reuse; its total or partial reproduction, modification, distribution and communication is authorized, for commercial and non-commercial uses, subject to the following conditions:

  • Any distortion of the content of the information is prohibited under any circumstances.
  • The user is obliged to cite the source of the documents that are the object of reuse.
  • The user is obliged to mention the date of the last update of the documents to be reused.
  • Med30 declares its respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties; therefore, if you consider that this site may be violating your rights, please contact Med30 by email at

Links or hyperlinks

Users who intend to establish a hyperlink between their website and that of Med30 must take into account the following:

  • The establishment of a hyperlink does not imply, in any case, the existence of relations between Med30 and the owner of the website, nor the acceptance and approval by Med30 of its contents or services. Therefore, it will not be declared or implied that Med30 has expressly authorized the hyperlink, nor that it has supervised or assumed responsibility for the contents and services offered or made available on said website.
  • Med30 is not responsible in any way for, nor does it guarantee, the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness or morality of the content or services that the hyperlinked establishment may offer. The user assumes sole responsibility for any consequences, damages or actions that may arise from accessing the hyperlinked website.
  • The website on which the hyperlink is established may not contain any brand, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to Med30, except for those signs that form part of the hyperlink itself.
  • The website on which the hyperlink is established shall not contain information containing illegal content, contrary to morality and generally accepted good practices and public order, nor shall it contain content contrary to the rights of third parties.


Med30 expressly prohibits the use of “framing” or any other mechanisms by third parties that alter the design, original configuration or content of its Portal.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The applicable law in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any issue related to the services of this Portal, will be Spanish law. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise on the occasion of the visit to the Portal or the use of the services that may be offered therein, Med30 and the User agree to submit to the Judges and Courts of the User’s domicile, provided that it is located in Spanish territory.